Feminine Design Strategy

A unique approach for reinvention based upon traditionally feminine values.

Feminine Design Strategy

A unique approach for reinvention based upon traditionally feminine values.

Feminine Design Strategy is a powerful analysis and reinvention process created by Change Agent Ami Becker Aronson.

Ami created the Feminine Design Strategy with the intention of reinventing the process of identifying solutions through the feminine lens.

The Feminine Design Strategy does not refer to gender, rather the disruption of the traditional approach. The common way to “tackle a problem” stems from a patriarchal root and is approached with a top-down nature.

This new strategy is designed to deconstruct challenges and approach them organically, allowing solutions to intentionally take shape by asking key questions:

How might we consider the COMMUNITY that’s affected and make them a part of our solution?

How can we make sure those who have not traditionally had a VOICE are provided one?

How might we NURTURE the participants to ensure the results are the best we can achieve for everyone involved?

How might we make decisions with the end in mind, but without sacrificing PEOPLE in the process?

A Process Born from Deep-Held Values

Ami is wholly committed to the idea that the world should be a soulful place where all people feel valued. She is driven to put this into practice personally, professionally and spiritually.

Ami believes that creating a ‘seat at the table’ for those who don’t currently have a voice is one of the most impactful things we can do. Providing an opportunity for the parties impacted in a decision or process to have presence is critical to creating a solution that not only serves a business but also those impacted by the decisions.

These values are traditionally defined as feminine, inspiring the foundation of the Feminine Design Strategy.

Feminine Design Strategy in Business

There are many ways that FDS can be successful when applied to business:

  • Looking at the world at a macro and micro level, providing a new perspective by disrupting traditional, patriarchal patterns of thinking.
  • Taking intentional risks and responsibly disrupting the status quo.
  • Thinking outside of the box that tradition has created. Or, as Ami says, ignore that there even is a box in which we are constrained, and create an entirely new paradigm.
  • Connect with the world and business not as an observer but as a participant. Actively engage in programs that can bring about tangible change in problems we see around us.

This way of thinking allows a person, a company, a foundation, or even a society to press pause, to take a step back, and to look at an ecosystem in a completely new way. It allows us to give birth to new ideas, new ways of seeing and shaping the world, and new methods of creating solutions that are based upon a deep, abiding value of people, places and ideas.

The goals of FDS are tangible and have positive application to any professional environment.

These environments include:

  • Non-profit;
  • Private or public sector;
  • Government agencies;
  • Cultural institutions;
  • And more.

FDS is a powerful tool for businesses that are stuck.

  • Stuck in old ways of thinking.
  • Stuck in paradigms for business that are no longer working.
  • Stuck without a solution to issues that threaten the health of the organization.

Learn more about Ami and the breadth of talent and experience she brings to every project. Find out how she can act as a skilled Change Agent – utilizing Feminine Design Strategy – for your organization.

Coupled with her extensive financial background, management expertise, and social consciousness, Ami’s Feminine Design Strategy can be instrumental to any type of business facing a reinvention need.

It has been an absolute pleasure collaborating with Ami Aronson. Her unwavering dedication to our shared goals and her remarkable leadership have been instrumental in our work in the nation’s capital. Ami’s skills, passion, and engagement are truly commendable. Her spirit is infectious, and she brings an incredible energy to every endeavor.

Darius Baxter

CoFounder, GOODProjects

Feminine Design Strategy – A Case Study

Using the principles of FDS, Ami shifted the way the grant distribution process works at a DC-area non-profit. As a result, it has organically pivoted funding to more female-oriented and female-led programs in the DC area that are focused on these feminine concepts of wholeness and healing.

Through Feminine Design Strategy, this organization has positioned its traditional Foundation to have an even greater impact in the future by leveraging the talents of their Grantees, and by providing opportunities for convergence between them – often creating a sum result that is greater than the individual results might have been.

As a result, the non-profit’s portfolio of grant recipients are often women who are leading change agents for major cultural institutions as well as smaller, non-profit organizations whose recipients of social programs and services are women and girls. In addition, the teams hired to oversee financial aspects of the organization are female-lead. It matters to make conscious decisions about who to hire and how we can have a greater impact.

A Discussion With Ami

Discover the origins of Feminine Design Strategy, and how she employs it as a highly effective change agent.

There is a strength that comes from taking a feminine approach to analyzing a challenge.

This feminine approach has nothing to do with one’s biology, gender or sex, but calls upon those values that are traditionally feminine – inclusion, honoring the contributions that may have been undervalued in the past, and caring for the considerations of every individual. The approach comes from a place of deep inquiry and genuine curiosity about a business (or even the world) and how it might be better.

We must ask, ‘How can we intentionally create more visibility around those who have often been denied access and a seat at the table, and allow them to be a part of the solution we are working to create?’

Read a transcript of this discussion HERE.

Ami’s work in her family’s traditional, patriarchal family foundation provided her with impeccable training. As she came into her own as the Executive Director, she began to ask:

Are we missing out on opportunities to have the greatest impact by not honoring our elders and matriarchs, and by not operating the business from a more feminine-centric set of values?

Are there ways to create connectedness in the parties affiliated with us which produce results that are greater than they might have been individually?

Can we create responsible disruption and be brave enough to try something entirely new?

Read a transcript of this discussion HERE.

Often, a business can become stuck – mired down in the typical way of doing that business.

Feminine Design Strategy is a completely new way of looking at an ecosystem to find new ways to be adaptive, to bring new ideas and people to the table, and to move forward with a fresh paradigm that is more likely to produce success and increased returns.

Read a transcript of this discussion HERE.

Connect with Ami to learn more about Feminine Design Strategy and how it could benefit your organization.

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